D4P Architects

Great landscape design doesn’t need to cost the earth!

Sharing is caring!

Here is an example of a landscape design project that was completed for a very modest budget under the London Borough of Southwark’s Cleaner, Greener, Safer programme.

D4P designed the redevelopment of the forecourt of Sherston Court so it could be used by the local community as a shared space and visual amenity. We designed the space around the needs and aspirations of the local residents that included an expansive manicured lawn, colour planting, and buffer hedges completed with a residents’ garden. The built form that shapes this space led to a planting design that responds to the micro-climate and provides a sanctuary for the residents adjacent to London Road.

The famous Landscape Architect, Luis Barragan said “I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one” we could not agree more.

If you are involved in landscape design project and would like some help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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